The statement

We were asked to develop a Virtual Reality application using Unity and Google Cardboard. The app needed to have the following features:

  • A virtual reality environment with various objects that can be interacted with.
  • Navigation: you can use either the reticle pointer provided by GoogleVR or the data entry from the mobile phone’s accelerometer, to move the camera within the environment virtual. You can implement any of the metaphors that we have seen in the classes of theory (constant movement, plane route selection, teleportation, etc.)
  • Selection: The user must have some 3DUI mode to be able to select objects from the scene, as well as being able to apply geometric transformations to perform tasks of manipulation (rotation, translation, scaling).
  • Control: Offer the user the possibility of doing some control task via 3D GUIs, for example example: modify the color of some object, load a model into the scene, etc.

What we’ve made

In the video below you can take a look at the resulting app. To sum it up, we created a battleground environment where you can interact with several objects, such as grenades, mines and guns.

View Code on Github

APK for Android